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♥Nissa ♥Sweet 24 ♥There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved♥

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mari Berkenalan Dengan Cik CTS

Entri hari ni berkait dgn entri semalam ye... Hari ni Nissa nk bawak kawan-kawan berkenalan dgn cik CTS ni... Bahaya jugak kalau sekali dh terpikat terkena dgn cik CTS ni ye... Harap-haraplah Nissa cuma sakit tangan yg biasa-biasa aje...

Biodata cik Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Nama Femes Amous: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Nama Pendek: Cik CTS

Asal kejadian: Tekanan pd bahagian tengah urat saraf di pergelangan tangan
Simptom yg berkaitan: *Rasa kebas, berdenyut,menyucuk-nyucuk, terasa panas pd ibu jari dan jari terutamanya jari telunjuk (index finger) dan jari hantu (middle finger)
*Mengalami sakit pd tangan atau pergelangan tangan 

Temuramah ringkas bersama cik CTS
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), is associated by symptoms and signs, which are caused by compression of the median nerve travelling through the carpal tunnel. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects the hands since it is an upper limb neuropathy that results in motor and sensory disturbance of the median nerve.
This condition affects individuals by causing pain, paresthesias, and sometimes weakness in the median nerve distribution. Pain, numbness and tingling sensations can occur from the arm and extend to the shoulder and neck area. Some useful treatments for CTS include use of night splints, corticosteroid injections and ultimately with surgery.
Most cases of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome have been found to be without a specific cause and certain individuals may be genetically predisposed to this condition.
Kalau nk berkenalan lebih lanjut dgn cik CTS ni silalah berhubung dgn yg lebih pakar, mintak tolong bantuan pakcik Google pn ok jugak... 
Oh ye, terlupa pulak kredit utk pakcik Wiki yg utk info pasal cik CTS ni... Dh lama Nissa tak guna perkhidmatan pakcik Wiki, dulu masa form 6 rajin jugak Nissa guna perkhidmatan pakcik Wiki ni...

 p/s: Hoho~~~ Bukan ke Nissa dh ada belajar pasal Ergonomic masa sem 1???


NAZ said...

baru semalam buat benda ni:)

nissa elhumaira akmal said...

buat apenye naz??? entri ke??? :)